Homeschooling with Help
Classical Conversations of Gig Harbor (CCGH) exists as a ministry of Harborview Fellowship Church (HF) to equip and encourage homeschooling families to educate their children from a Biblical worldview using classical tools and curriculum.
The Mission of Harborview Fellowship is to equip people to passionately live like Jesus lived, do what Jesus did and advance His Kingdom Together. Within this context, the specific mission of Harborview Fellowship’s Classical Conversations (CC) is to know God and make Him known. Here, as in other CC communities, our activities are built on the foundation that Christ is the center of all truth. We believe that His fingerprints can be found in every subject/topic that we discover. It is our desire to uncover those truths throughout our lifelong journey - not just our homeschool journey - as devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Erin Hardwick
CC Support Representative
Gig Harbor & S. Kitsap
The Mission of Harborview Fellowship is to equip people to passionately live like Jesus lived, do what Jesus did and advance His Kingdom Together. Within this context, the specific mission of Harborview Fellowship’s Classical Conversations (CC) is to know God and make Him known. Here, as in other CC communities, our activities are built on the foundation that Christ is the center of all truth. We believe that His fingerprints can be found in every subject/topic that we discover. It is our desire to uncover those truths throughout our lifelong journey - not just our homeschool journey - as devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Erin Hardwick
CC Support Representative
Gig Harbor & S. Kitsap