Who We Are

We are a youth group for students in 6th-12th grade that is dedicated to:
- Meeting with Jesus
- Seeking the freedom found in Christ
- Doing life with other believers
- Worshipping the Lord together

What We Do

Our mission is to equip students to passionately
live like Jesus lived, do what Jesus did, and advance His kingdom together.
We accomplish this by:
- Meeting every Wednesday  for food, games, worship, teaching and small groups
- Planning big events throughout the year that allow us to build relationships through
shared memories
-Heading out on overnight retreats in beautiful places that allow for dedicated time with the Lord, worship and fellowship

What's Different About Us?

We set the bar higher.
We know that our youth will rise to meet the mark  set for them  so we challenge them to go deeper than they have gone before and step up to the plate as the next generation that will need to step into leadership.
Our top priorities are to see them advance their faith and
find the freedom that Christ has to offer.

In the midst of all this, we also love to have fun! 

Join us Wednesday Nights 6:15-8:45pm @ Harborview Fellowship

 Mission Trip 2025

We're heading down to Ensenada Mexico this July!
We will be serving the people there and teaching them how to find freedom in Christ.

Want more info?
Visit our mission page by clicking the button below. 

High School Winter Retreat

Registration is now closed.
If you missed registration and are still interested in attending, email Christina at christina@hfcgh.org

Snack Team - parents Needed

If you are someone who enjoys cooking and wants to serve our youth as they lean into the Lord at youth group, we are looking for a few more parents to join our snack team!
We believe that having fellowship over food is an integral part of community and consider it to be an important part of youth group. It may seem like a small thing, but it really does make a huge difference. We love to see parents being able to pour into the youth group by serving snacks and interacting with the students.
Responsibilities Include:
  • Committing to serve snacks once every 4-6 weeks (this can vary depending on the size of the snack team)
  • Purchasing the food (you will be reimbursed)
  • Preparing and serving the food (Snacks are served around 6pm)
  • Cleaning up the kitchen and setting out dessert to be served by one of the small groups

Annual Forms

We require all students to have forms on file that are updated yearly.
These forms include medical release and emergency information and our behavior agreement that gets everyone on the same page as far as what is expected of them at The EDGE.
The great news is that you can fill out one forms that includes all your students,
so as long as you list all of them, you will only need to fill it out once per year.

If you are new to The EDGE or need to update your existing forms, please click the button below!

High School

At HF we are focused on building, supporting, and encouraging each high school student’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The goal is not to build a youth “program,” but rather to allow the Lord to build young men and women who reflect the Lord’s design for their life.
We work hard to build a culture where students are motivated to come and meet with Jesus! We do this through authentic worship, solid biblical teaching, small groups, and encouraging students to lead through our student leadership program.

Middle School

We firmly believe God intends kids entering their teen years to live lives full of joy, love, and confidence—lives that reflect God’s original design for each of them. Each Wednesday, our middle-school youth enjoy a combination of worship, Biblical training, small group interaction, prayer, relationship-building, and a lot of fun! 

Meet the team

This team serves as a steering committee for the youth ministries.
We also have many other fantastic youth leaders that pour out their lives for the students! 

Scott Mitchell

Youth + Worship Pastor
Scott has been serving as the Youth Pastor at Harborview since 2012 with his wife Kindra and their three sons. He has a passion for youth and seeing them set free from the ways the enemy tried to hold them back from living the way the Lord has created them to.

His favorite part of youth ministry:
Seeing the God-given potential in students and helping them unpack what that means for their lives.
In his free time you'll find him: 
Scaling a cliff face high in the alpine wilderness
His current favorite worship song:
Speak to the Mountains by Chris McClarney

Kindra Mitchell

Youth Leader
Kindra is the secret weapon behind Scott. She has served the youth group faithfully alongside her husband, Scott, and is always
bathing the youth ministry in prayer. She adores serving on the high school youth leaders team and leading her small group of 11th grade girls.

Her favorite part of youth ministry:
Watching the students move into deep relationship with Jesus and begin to understand His love and who He has made them to be.
In her free time you'll find her:
Adventuring with family and friends, reading, or playing with her pup
Her current favorite worship song:
Take it All Back by Tauren Wells

Christina Reynolds

Youth + Worship Admin
Christina serves as the admin for the Youth and Worship Ministries, planning retreats, events, making website graphics, or anything else the youth ministry needs. She and her husband, Jacob, serve as youth leaders for the high school group and have a passion for walking alongside students as they prepare for life.

Her favorite part of youth ministry:
Seeing the joy and freedom increase in students as they draw closer to the Lord.
In her free time you'll find her:
Gardening with her dog and ducks, or painting something
Her current favorite worship song:
Preference by Rachel Mourley 

Mekenzie Amico

Youth  + Worship Assistant  
Mekenzie is our resident songbird. Whether she's singing out loud or just in her head, she is always worshipping the Lord.
She has a passion for worship and for helping students learn to lead others in worship. She serves as the band director for the youth worship team and works with the students to grow in their musical passions and in their personal worship lives.

Her favorite part of youth ministry:
Watching the students fall in love with Jesus
In her free time you'll find her:
Baking, hanging out with loved ones, or sitting in front of the piano
Her current favorite worship song:
The Purest Place by Christy Nockles

Ty Newton

High School Teacher + Student Leadership Director
 Ty was a high school teacher for 22 years and is now pouring out his heart and knowledge of the Word to the students almost every week at youth group. He always finds a way to present scripture with a fresh perspective and bring the Bible to life for the students!
He also heads up our student leadership program, discipling the next generation of leaders.

His favorite part of youth ministry is:
Seeing lives changed as God gets ahold of students' hearts and watching them become disciples who go out and make more disciples.
In his free time you'll find him:
Spending time with family and friends, coaching baseball, attending his kids' sports games, or on a board in the water or on the slopes.
His current favorite worship song:
The Stand by Hillsong

Anna Newton

Youth Leader
Besides being  her husband, Ty's, biggest supporter, Anna is mom to 6, and pours her love and nurturing spirit out on both our students and our staff! She cares deeply for all those in her circle and is intentional in sharing the Lord's heart with them through words, prayers, acts of service and gifts.

Her favorite part of youth ministry is:
Watching youth meet with Jesus in an environment where the gospel is not "watered down" and they get equipped to live out God's truth in their everyday lives.
In her free time you'll find her:
On the lake with her family. They love spending quality time together, especially when there's water involved!
Her current favorite worship song:
Great Are You Lord by All Sons & Daughters

Jacob Reynolds

Youth Leader
Jacob spent his later high school years as a student at The EDGE and has since been serving on the leadership team. He has recently been partnering with Ty in teaching our high school students as well as discipling students in our student leadership program.

His favorite part of youth ministry is:
Fostering relationships between students and Jesus
In his free time you'll find him:
Jamming on the electric guitar or taking a walk out in the woods
His current favorite worship song:
Where You Go I'll Go  by Jesus Culture

Want to Join The Team?

Whether you're looking to join our parent snack team, or jump in as a fully devoted youth leader, you can click the link to fill out our application.

Within the application and attached forms you will find our expectations and requirements for each of the roles.
Considering applying but not sure if it's a good fit?  Contact  Scott Mitchell and he'd be happy to talk through it with you!