Lifeway Women Simulcast
We're Bringing the Party to You

Pursuing Christ Together
After months of social distancing, it is time to gather the women from our church, small groups, or community for the first-ever LifeWay Women Live Simulcast. A full day of practical study with your favorite authors, where women, unapologetic and unshakeable in their pursuit of Christ, can come together.
When: October 3, 2020
Where: Harborview Fellowship
Time: 8:30-4:00 come a little early to get checked in!
Cost: $20.00 to join us at HF church OR we can get 30 home digital spots available for $15.00 each for those who cannot attend the larger gathering at church.
Lunch: Due to Covid, you may pre-order a Panera box lunch for $12.00 on the registration form. Or feel free to bring your own.
*No childcare provided due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Don’t be left out! Looking forward to seeing you Saturday, Oct. 3rd at Harborview Fellowship for a fun filled day worshipping and learning together! Invite a friend! The first 100 to register will receive a Snazzy reusable bag with surprises inside50 20 20 20 20 Recent
When: October 3, 2020
Where: Harborview Fellowship
Time: 8:30-4:00 come a little early to get checked in!
Cost: $20.00 to join us at HF church OR we can get 30 home digital spots available for $15.00 each for those who cannot attend the larger gathering at church.
Lunch: Due to Covid, you may pre-order a Panera box lunch for $12.00 on the registration form. Or feel free to bring your own.
*No childcare provided due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Don’t be left out! Looking forward to seeing you Saturday, Oct. 3rd at Harborview Fellowship for a fun filled day worshipping and learning together! Invite a friend! The first 100 to register will receive a Snazzy reusable bag with surprises inside
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