God's Love - Foundational to Life

Hi HF Family and Friends,
Satan’s primary scheme is to cause you to believe you’re unloved. That’s because a life of true freedom and power is built on the revelation of God’s love for you.
What determines value and worth? The real value of anything is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it.
Therefore, your real value to God is determined by the price He will pay you, which He already demonstrated. He spent the ultimate price for you – in the life of His Son! The price was infinite in worth, and therefore so is the value God places on you.
God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us, Ro. 5:8.
While that truth is amazing, the following fact is mind-blowing! God the Father loves you with the very love He loves His Son, Jesus Christ! What kind of and how powerful is that love?! Listen in on Jesus’ prayer to His Father.
I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. . . . that the love you have for me may be in them. Jn 17:23, 26
By being created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), human beings are fundamentally beings of love, love being the very essence of God (1 John 4:8). This is why when people are nurtured in God’s extravagant love, they flourish in the fullness of life and power that comes from Him (Eph. 3:19). Experiencing such love sets within each person value, worth, significance, and security; the foundations of freedom.
Next time we will look at how the Enemy of our souls tries to rob us of living in God’s love to establish within us a love deficit that makes us vulnerable to him.
Satan’s primary scheme is to cause you to believe you’re unloved. That’s because a life of true freedom and power is built on the revelation of God’s love for you.
What determines value and worth? The real value of anything is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it.
Therefore, your real value to God is determined by the price He will pay you, which He already demonstrated. He spent the ultimate price for you – in the life of His Son! The price was infinite in worth, and therefore so is the value God places on you.
God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us, Ro. 5:8.
While that truth is amazing, the following fact is mind-blowing! God the Father loves you with the very love He loves His Son, Jesus Christ! What kind of and how powerful is that love?! Listen in on Jesus’ prayer to His Father.
I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. . . . that the love you have for me may be in them. Jn 17:23, 26
By being created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), human beings are fundamentally beings of love, love being the very essence of God (1 John 4:8). This is why when people are nurtured in God’s extravagant love, they flourish in the fullness of life and power that comes from Him (Eph. 3:19). Experiencing such love sets within each person value, worth, significance, and security; the foundations of freedom.
Next time we will look at how the Enemy of our souls tries to rob us of living in God’s love to establish within us a love deficit that makes us vulnerable to him.
Posted in Churchwide
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