Injustices and Stronghold Cycles

Hi HF Family and Friends,
Often strongholds take root through love deprivation, as described in our recent blogs, and injustices. The issue of "injustices" often surfaces in our pursuit of genuinely living free.
An "injustice" is best described as unwarranted harm experienced by the maltreatment of others. The treatment received was unmerited. Who has not been on the receiving end of injustice? You might even right now be mindful of a personal injustice received.
Injustices hurt and often lead to greater difficulties. Terms that can help us relate to the effect of injustices could be toil, trouble, sorrow, travail, pain, grievance, iniquity, misery, financial hardship, and wickedness. It is very real and challenging stuff.
People's responses and reactions to injustices received can further damage one's life. These improper or ungodly, sinful responses to injustices bring another level of complexity.
Injustices responded to wrongly are expressed in many ways. It might be buried (or not so buried) anger, sorrow, inappropriate guilt, self-hatred, insignificance, fear, striving, bitterness, vengeance, self-pity, shame, self-hatred, immorality, isolation, and other harmful sin responses. These mindsets contradict God's truth and ways. They are counterproductive to living in freedom and the fullness of life God designed.
More strongholds are established as a result. These strongholds then give the enemy more jurisdiction to operate further in our lives.
The longer people live in their "sin responses" to injustices, the more these responses define them. It also becomes more difficult for people to recognize these coping mechanisms' impact on their lives and those around them.
Reacting to the hurts of injustices with sin responses often results in reoccurring harm and damaging reactions. People usually respond to our unhealthy responses in ways that result in further conflicts, tensions, and hurt (as seen in the graph below).
Often strongholds take root through love deprivation, as described in our recent blogs, and injustices. The issue of "injustices" often surfaces in our pursuit of genuinely living free.
An "injustice" is best described as unwarranted harm experienced by the maltreatment of others. The treatment received was unmerited. Who has not been on the receiving end of injustice? You might even right now be mindful of a personal injustice received.
Injustices hurt and often lead to greater difficulties. Terms that can help us relate to the effect of injustices could be toil, trouble, sorrow, travail, pain, grievance, iniquity, misery, financial hardship, and wickedness. It is very real and challenging stuff.
People's responses and reactions to injustices received can further damage one's life. These improper or ungodly, sinful responses to injustices bring another level of complexity.
Injustices responded to wrongly are expressed in many ways. It might be buried (or not so buried) anger, sorrow, inappropriate guilt, self-hatred, insignificance, fear, striving, bitterness, vengeance, self-pity, shame, self-hatred, immorality, isolation, and other harmful sin responses. These mindsets contradict God's truth and ways. They are counterproductive to living in freedom and the fullness of life God designed.
More strongholds are established as a result. These strongholds then give the enemy more jurisdiction to operate further in our lives.
The longer people live in their "sin responses" to injustices, the more these responses define them. It also becomes more difficult for people to recognize these coping mechanisms' impact on their lives and those around them.
Reacting to the hurts of injustices with sin responses often results in reoccurring harm and damaging reactions. People usually respond to our unhealthy responses in ways that result in further conflicts, tensions, and hurt (as seen in the graph below).

Our next blog will examine how to break out of such damaging cycles and walk into freedom.
P.S. We are anticipating a powerful Freedom Intensive October 26-28, 2023. Be alert for announcements regarding registration.
P.S. We are anticipating a powerful Freedom Intensive October 26-28, 2023. Be alert for announcements regarding registration.
Posted in Churchwide
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