First Step to Emergency Prep

Welcome to the inaugural installment of the Harborview Preparedness Newsletter! Look for this communication in your inbox WEEKLY as a source of information, encouragement, and insight designed to help you and your family be prepared to navigate emergencies as they arise.
This week’s theme is COMMUNITY. Though it may not be first and foremost on your mind as the “first step to emergency prep,” it really is!
In the Scriptures, King Solomon shared this bit of life wisdom: “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:9–10, ESV)
In a nutshell: people need people! As we consider emergency preparedness, the first step we should take is to integrate into a meaningful community.
Why Community as Christians?
The Scriptures depict many reasons for community, specifically Christian community. We certainly need community for our inner well-being, and we need community for very practical reasons.
The early church provides an example of one practical reason; Acts 4:32 says, "There was not a needy person among them." Earlier in the text, it describes believers doing life together during difficult times, providing strength, encouragement, and the meeting of practical needs.
In our emergency preparedness efforts, community needs to be at the top of the list! Here are some specific reasons why:
Our “Taking Action” checklist this week relates to identifying how well you are connected to an authentic community where you can both be and receive support. As part of YOUR community, we look forward to sharing the “preparedness” journey with you!
(Next Week’s Topic: Beginner’s Guide to a Basic 72-Hour Preparedness Plan)
HF Preparedness Leadership Team
Taking Action
This week’s theme is COMMUNITY. Though it may not be first and foremost on your mind as the “first step to emergency prep,” it really is!
In the Scriptures, King Solomon shared this bit of life wisdom: “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:9–10, ESV)
In a nutshell: people need people! As we consider emergency preparedness, the first step we should take is to integrate into a meaningful community.
Why Community as Christians?
The Scriptures depict many reasons for community, specifically Christian community. We certainly need community for our inner well-being, and we need community for very practical reasons.
The early church provides an example of one practical reason; Acts 4:32 says, "There was not a needy person among them." Earlier in the text, it describes believers doing life together during difficult times, providing strength, encouragement, and the meeting of practical needs.
In our emergency preparedness efforts, community needs to be at the top of the list! Here are some specific reasons why:
- Community meets practical needs (Acts 2:42-47). Just like in the early church, a community is a place where we can both receive and provide the benefit of mutual support, especially in challenging times. This happens because of the personal relationships established in groups. The Body of Christ was established to support and love one another in practical ways.
- Community can carry you emotionally (Galatians 6:2). Just as important as physical needs are life's emotional and mental needs. We can support each other in hard times and carry one another's burdens; this is both a benefit and a responsibility for all Christians. This kind of support is accomplished most effectively in a defined and committed community.
- Community reveals your gifts and talents (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Two are better than one because strength, stamina, and skills are multiplied. When we are part of a committed group of people who are functioning in authentic community (i.e., we are actually in relationship; we get to know each other well enough to discern and help meet each other’s needs), we discover our God-given gifts and talents and can use them to support and bless others. And, we can be supported and blessed by others' abilities. We're part of something special! (1 Corinthians 12:27).
- Community allows needs to be made known (1 Thessalonians 5:14). Within a community, we are encouraged to look at the needs of those around us. We're called to strengthen those who are weak, encourage those who are down and out, and provide for those who are in want. Community calls us out of our self-centeredness.
- Community empowers your relationship with God (Proverbs 27:17). There are many kinds of strength found in numbers. An important one is that, when surrounded by others, we can feel strengthened in our faith and renewed in courage. There's something powerful in belonging to a defined and connected community.
Our “Taking Action” checklist this week relates to identifying how well you are connected to an authentic community where you can both be and receive support. As part of YOUR community, we look forward to sharing the “preparedness” journey with you!
(Next Week’s Topic: Beginner’s Guide to a Basic 72-Hour Preparedness Plan)
HF Preparedness Leadership Team
Taking Action
- I am part of the local church body and connected to the extent that I authentically know and am known by others (extra points if you are part of a Small Group and/or Ministry Team).
- I have joined a Neighborhood Group.
- I have attended Neighborhood Group meetings.
- If I have not yet joined a Neighborhood Group, I will. (You can do so at
- I am interested in serving as a Group Coordinator in my neighborhood.
- If you have a specific question pertaining to Neighborhood Groups at Harborview, email and put Neighborhood Groups in the subject line.
Posted in Preparedness
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