Light and Energy in an Emergency

This issue will address the topic of light and energy in an emergency.
But First . . .
Let’s take inventory of what we’ve covered so far:
Week 1 - The importance of COMMUNITY
Week 2 - Having a BASIC 72-HOUR preparedness plan in place, with supplies
Before we get to this week’s topic, let’s address the possibility that some may be feeling overwhelmed about all this. The whole idea of emergency preparedness can be daunting—we can get stalled before we get started!
This can especially happen if we are somewhat new to the idea of emergency preparation. What resources do I need? Where do I find those resources? How do I acquire and learn to use the equipment I’ll need? Do I have the money necessary for preparation? Do I have the time needed to get prepared? Do I have the required space?
Here are a few suggestions for alleviating these concerns and getting started with confidence:
Remember that any preparation is better than no preparation. Be encouraged and press forward!
This Week’s Topic – Light and Energy
Our lives are dependent on power in many ways. If power is lost for an extended period, we must adjust how we live. Below are a few suggestions for navigating a significant power outage:
There are many options for emergency lights, including flashlights, headlamps, a variety of battery-powered lanterns, oil lamps, candles, and more. The following link will take you to an excellent resource for emergency lighting options:
Emergency Cook Stoves
There are numerous choices for both indoor and outdoor cook stoves. You will want to consider your family size, living space, and whether you can cook outdoors or are limited to indoor cooking. If you have a woodstove, its top is a possible option, as are camp stoves and barbecues (which should only be used outside, of course.) Be sure to stock up on propane and briquets, if those will be needed.
For indoor cooking, be alert to safety concerns first. That will include the types of fuel used, proper ventilation, and protection from flames and heat for all household members.
Check out for some emergency cook stove suggestions.
Emergency Radios
If the power goes out for any length of time, and particularly if cell phones cannot be charged (and/or cell towers and internet are compromised), you will need an alternate method of communicating with others and receiving news. Be sure to have one or more radios designed to work with alternative power sources, including batteries, hand cranks, solar, battery packs, etc. Here are some possibilities:
Emergency Heat
We can retain body heat with warm clothing and warm blankets (i.e., wool). In emergency situations, heat can be generated by gas appliances, woodstoves, fireplaces, indoor-approved propane heaters, and canned heat. Check out the following link for ideas:
The best portable generators, whether powered by diesel, gas, or propane, can help you power essential household appliances in long-term power outages. The following link will help you determine which one is right for you
For a more advanced use of a generator, you can have your home wired to directly connect with your generator. You can even have it set up for “auto start” should the power go out; this should be done by a licensed electrician.
Remember, our God is faithful, who watches over us and secures us: “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.” (Isaiah 26:3-4, ESV)
Next Week’s Topic: Food Buying—Creative Ideas and Options
HF Preparedness Leadership Team
Taking Action
In the News
Nationwide Power Blackouts in Argentina and Uruguay Cut Electricity to Tens of Millions of People
But First . . .
Let’s take inventory of what we’ve covered so far:
Week 1 - The importance of COMMUNITY
Week 2 - Having a BASIC 72-HOUR preparedness plan in place, with supplies
Before we get to this week’s topic, let’s address the possibility that some may be feeling overwhelmed about all this. The whole idea of emergency preparedness can be daunting—we can get stalled before we get started!
This can especially happen if we are somewhat new to the idea of emergency preparation. What resources do I need? Where do I find those resources? How do I acquire and learn to use the equipment I’ll need? Do I have the money necessary for preparation? Do I have the time needed to get prepared? Do I have the required space?
Here are a few suggestions for alleviating these concerns and getting started with confidence:
- This weekly HF Preparedness Newsletter is a tool to assist you in taking specific and manageable action steps. Each week you will find a particular topic and a brief checklist laying out a simple yet practical strategy. You will also find links to resources that can assist you.
- Start small and then add to your accomplishments. Small steps each week quickly accumulate into significant action. Start with a 72-hour supply of food, water, medicines, and first-aid supplies. It is doable!
- Then add items here and there that will increase your preparedness. Watch for advertised deals and markdowns at your local grocery and hardware/box stores, or online, and make those discounted purchases.
- Find trustworthy sources that can assist you in finding emergency supplies and provide relevant information, such as Patriots Informed at Patriots Informed is a highly recommended resource.
- Connect with other like-minded people who can share advice and resources, and who will encourage you in your preparedness efforts.
Remember that any preparation is better than no preparation. Be encouraged and press forward!
This Week’s Topic – Light and Energy
Our lives are dependent on power in many ways. If power is lost for an extended period, we must adjust how we live. Below are a few suggestions for navigating a significant power outage:
There are many options for emergency lights, including flashlights, headlamps, a variety of battery-powered lanterns, oil lamps, candles, and more. The following link will take you to an excellent resource for emergency lighting options:
Emergency Cook Stoves
There are numerous choices for both indoor and outdoor cook stoves. You will want to consider your family size, living space, and whether you can cook outdoors or are limited to indoor cooking. If you have a woodstove, its top is a possible option, as are camp stoves and barbecues (which should only be used outside, of course.) Be sure to stock up on propane and briquets, if those will be needed.
For indoor cooking, be alert to safety concerns first. That will include the types of fuel used, proper ventilation, and protection from flames and heat for all household members.
Check out for some emergency cook stove suggestions.
Emergency Radios
If the power goes out for any length of time, and particularly if cell phones cannot be charged (and/or cell towers and internet are compromised), you will need an alternate method of communicating with others and receiving news. Be sure to have one or more radios designed to work with alternative power sources, including batteries, hand cranks, solar, battery packs, etc. Here are some possibilities:
Emergency Heat
We can retain body heat with warm clothing and warm blankets (i.e., wool). In emergency situations, heat can be generated by gas appliances, woodstoves, fireplaces, indoor-approved propane heaters, and canned heat. Check out the following link for ideas:
The best portable generators, whether powered by diesel, gas, or propane, can help you power essential household appliances in long-term power outages. The following link will help you determine which one is right for you
For a more advanced use of a generator, you can have your home wired to directly connect with your generator. You can even have it set up for “auto start” should the power go out; this should be done by a licensed electrician.
Remember, our God is faithful, who watches over us and secures us: “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.” (Isaiah 26:3-4, ESV)
Next Week’s Topic: Food Buying—Creative Ideas and Options
HF Preparedness Leadership Team
Taking Action
- I have established expectations and I am not overwhelmed.
- I have acquired alternative light sources (including appropriate back-up batteries as needed).
- I have identified and purchased an appropriate cook stove(s) for my situation.
- I have identified and purchased an emergency radio.
- I have warm clothes and blankets and a suitable alternative heat source(s).
- I am assessing my need for a generator and will act based on the determination.
- I am encouraged in and trusting God for my every need!
In the News
Nationwide Power Blackouts in Argentina and Uruguay Cut Electricity to Tens of Millions of People
Posted in Preparedness
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