Voting Your Faith: Issue 3: For Whom Shall I Vote?

For Whom Shall I Vote?
Proverbs 14:34 states, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
What exalts a nation? The Democratic Party and its candidates? The Republican party and theirs? According to the above verse (and others) neither, but instead, it is righteousness that exalts a nation. So, for whom then shall I vote?
The word "righteousness" in Proverbs 14:34 is not referring to an individual's right standing with God by our position in Jesus Christ. Instead, it refers to God's righteous standards, as found in His moral laws.
As Christians, we must honor God and uphold His righteousness in society. It is one way that we operate as salt and light in the world. Christians have the responsibility to partner with God as proponents of his righteousness through civil government.
Elections are not about personality, but policies and positions. When you consider how you will cast your vote for candidates or initiatives, you must give it the "God's righteousness test." How will God's righteousness be best served as you cast your vote?
The contrasts between the two major parties are stark in this election cycle. There is much that is at stake. The party platform distinctions are not merely "sociological and economical" as they historically have been. So many of the distinctives are biblical, moral matters. They are matters of righteousness.
The sanctity of human life and family are critical issues for any bible believing Christian. The following depicts the political party platforms for both parties on these vital matters (provided by Art Hodges of Salt and Light Council).
The following links will help you with your research and are useful resources for comparing Democratic and Republican positions.
If you have any questions or desire to participate in Harborview Fellowship's "Salt and Light Council," contact Mike Brown. The Salt and Light Council ministry is a resource for biblical citizenship. You can email Mike at
On behalf of the elders,
What exalts a nation? The Democratic Party and its candidates? The Republican party and theirs? According to the above verse (and others) neither, but instead, it is righteousness that exalts a nation. So, for whom then shall I vote?
The word "righteousness" in Proverbs 14:34 is not referring to an individual's right standing with God by our position in Jesus Christ. Instead, it refers to God's righteous standards, as found in His moral laws.
As Christians, we must honor God and uphold His righteousness in society. It is one way that we operate as salt and light in the world. Christians have the responsibility to partner with God as proponents of his righteousness through civil government.
Elections are not about personality, but policies and positions. When you consider how you will cast your vote for candidates or initiatives, you must give it the "God's righteousness test." How will God's righteousness be best served as you cast your vote?
The contrasts between the two major parties are stark in this election cycle. There is much that is at stake. The party platform distinctions are not merely "sociological and economical" as they historically have been. So many of the distinctives are biblical, moral matters. They are matters of righteousness.
The sanctity of human life and family are critical issues for any bible believing Christian. The following depicts the political party platforms for both parties on these vital matters (provided by Art Hodges of Salt and Light Council).
- The Republican Party Platform affirms the sanctity of life and that we should not use government funds to abort. The Democratic Party Platform affirms abortion on demand and should be available for the full nine months.
- The Republican Party Platform believes that life's sanctity is an inalienable right, opposes euthanasia, and assisted suicide. The Democratic Party Platform does not.
- The Republican Party Platform supports the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. The Democratic Party Platform does not. (The next President of the United States will likely appoint a third new Supreme Court Justice, and maybe a fourth.)
- The Republican Party Platform defines marriage exclusively as joining one man with one woman, does not accept the Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage, and urges its reversal. The Democratic Party Platform does not.
The following links will help you with your research and are useful resources for comparing Democratic and Republican positions.
If you have any questions or desire to participate in Harborview Fellowship's "Salt and Light Council," contact Mike Brown. The Salt and Light Council ministry is a resource for biblical citizenship. You can email Mike at
On behalf of the elders,
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