The Reward of Christian Responsibility

Hi HF Family and Friends,

What About Bob? In this American movie (1991), psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin takes on a new patient, Bob Wiley, who embodies neediness and a concoction of phobias.
Bob’s epic co-dependency is seen in His stalking Dr. Marvin on his vacation. When the Dr. tries to escape, Bob corrals him and cries out, “I am in really bad shape; give me, give me, give me; I need, I need, I need, I need.”
While we indeed will and do benefit from the life experience, wisdom, insight, and encouragement of others, we are personally responsible for the development and well-being of our lives.
Many Jesus followers live discouraged and stunted because of not taking ownership of personal breakthroughs in their lives. Joseph of the Old Testament was not one such person.
He received prophetic dreams from God regarding his calling and gifting along with God’s favor that would elevate him to an amazing role of influential leadership (Gen 37:3-11). His journey to dreams realized included injustices of betrayal; he was sold as a slave by his family, falsely accused, slandered, and imprisoned.
His reality was in brutal contrast with God’s promises to him. It would have been easy for him to give up in discouragement, deflation, and defeat. Psalms 105:17-19 says that God’s word to him tested him in his suffering. But he did not get lost in self-pity, insignificance, fear, hopelessness, unforgiveness, anger, or revenge.
Joseph instead took responsibility for God’s calling in his life, his gifting, the wounds of his injustices, His identity in God, and his faith. He did not wait on others.
Life has challenging moments and seasons. Some trials can be dark, deep, and long. And yes, we will experience injustice, rejection, betrayal, and misrepresentation.
But don’t be Bob Wiley. Take responsibility for God’s call on your life, the wounds you have received, God’s gifts imparted to you, and your freedom.
God has given us all the tools and power necessary to thrive and flourish in His abundant life.

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