HF Kids: God is All Powerful

Video of the Week

What's The Point

  • Scripture: 1 Kings 18:1-39
  • In this passage: Elijah challenges the prophets of the idol Baal to a duel. Each will build an altar, lay a sacrifice on it, and ask their god to light the sacrifice on fire. The prophets of Baal dance and cry out to Baal, but their idol doesn’t respond. Elijah douses his altar with water, and still God shows his mighty power by licking up the water with flames.
  • Bible Point: God is all-powerful.
  • Summary Verse: “No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).

Looking for More?

Ask these questions:
  • Where have you seen God’s power at work in nature?
  • Where have you seen God’s power in your own life?
  • How do you know God is powerful?
Try this together at home:
  • Turn off all the lights in the house and sit together in the darkness at night. Talk about things that make you feel powerless.
  • Then run around turning on all the lights—maybe even some loud music, too—and pray loudly for God to show you his power when you feel powerless.
  • Remember that Jesus left us with His own authority to pray powerfully against anything that would steal His power or our joy!

The Rock: HF Kids' 4th/5th grade

Here are some of the things we covered in class:

Parent Connect

The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

As the adult in your child’s life, what more impactful thing can we teach our children than that God has the power to do EVERYTHING “beyond what we could ever ask or imagine”? Ephesians 3:20

You can model this for your children through prayer and petition to the Lord for things in your own life. Tell your kids what you are praying for. Write them on a board where you see them regularly. Pray for even the little concerns. Celebrate the answered prayers with your children.
You will watch your child’s faith increase and, I suspect, your own as well.

This is a challenge I am eager to take up myself, especially in this time in history when so much feels uncertain. Let’s watch God do what only God can do as we demonstrate our trust in Him!

~Ms. Kelly
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