Preparing for Easter

When things don’t go as planned, do you ever feel discouraged?

It always brings me such hope to remember that God is never surprised. Think about it. No matter what your circumstances are or how difficult things get, He is never taken off guard. He is ready with comfort, purpose, and direction. He will provide a way out, a way up, and a way through if we place our trust in Him.

Jesus' Disciples were about to encounter the MOST unexpected day of all. After the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, they were about to watch their Hope, the Messiah, die on a cross. I cannot imagine their grief and devastation.

We are so fortunate to know the end of the story!

Watch the video below for a personal word of encouragement:
Holy Week is a chance to remember the journey of Jesus through the cross to Resurrection. We get to come near to His suffering so that we can more fully share His victory. At Harborview we are going to engage together with fasting, prayer, and worship.

As we enter Holy Week or the Week of Preparation for Easter, I also want to share some resources for teaching kids about fasting, prayer and preparation as we anticipate the most important day in our life of faith!

This is a great practical activity for helping kids fast in a way that focuses on getting filled up with more of Jesus:
Microsoft Word - Give Up, Fill Up Instructions.docx (

Here are some additional resources for helping us parents understand the why and how of fasting. We all know that we teach best by leading. I hope this helps!

Be encouraged, friends! There may be storms today, but Easter is coming!

Praises be to our Risen King!
Ms. Kelly

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